Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lyme Disease Inspires Woman to Help

 Hi My friends,

I found another great article for you to read. Thanks goes to the author Richard Gwin  where it was Originally published at: Kudos to this fine woman and all at We wish you all of the good fortune possible for your efforts.

Be well,


Firsthand, family experience with Lyme disease inspires woman to help others suffering from tick-borne illnesses

Tammy Farmer sits with her son Logan, 10, as he plays with his pet guinea pig Stewart. Farmer unknowingly was a carrier of Lyme disease when she gave birth to Logan. Farmer and Logan were diagnosed three years ago.
September 11, 2011
When Tammy Farmer gave birth to her son, Logan, her life changed dramatically, but not in the usual way.
Without knowing it, Farmer was a carrier of Lyme disease, and it wasn’t until she went through the physical stress of childbirth that she began to experience symptoms like excruciating pain and cognitive impairment. Because the tick-borne bacterium that cause Lyme disease can pass through the placenta, Logan was infected before he was born.
As Farmer left the hospital with her newborn, she began the battle of her life, not only fighting for her and her son’s health, but also for other victims of Lyme disease by volunteering for Kansas Lyme Fighters Inc.
Lyme disease can cause a wide array of health challenges that range from gastrointestinal to neurological to musculoskeletal, making it easy to misdiagnose. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that the 328,128 cases of Lyme disease that were confirmed between 1990 and 2008 represent only 10 percent of the actual cases of Lyme disease, according to the Lyme Disease Association. In fact, Farmer was misdiagnosed for seven years with baffled doctors telling her she had everything from multiple sclerosis to lupus.
At times, she was so devastated by the illness that she couldn’t function. “At my lowest moments, I was in bed, incapacitated, because it hurt so badly. It hurt just to have someone walking on the carpet outside my bedroom,” Farmer said.
Farmer and Logan were finally diagnosed three years ago and started aggressive antibiotic treatment. While she still has bad days, she’s beginning to recover. And she’s using her newfound health to help others who suffer from tick-borne illnesses through a nonprofit group she helped to found, Kansas Lyme Fighters. Her volunteer work has been so transformative in the lives of people who battle Lyme disease that the organization nominated Farmer for the United Way Roger Hill Volunteer Center’s 2010 Wallace Galluzzi Outstanding Volunteer award.
In addition to helping raise awareness of tick-borne illnesses, Farmer runs support groups and works as an advocate. But mostly, she comes alongside those who are sick and offers them support and encouragement.
“Tammy’s strength is building community,” said Peggy Blumhagen, president of Kansas Lyme Fighters. “She has opened her home to multiple people who were suffering and created an environment of acceptance, comfort and love. Tammy rarely shares how she feels except when it helps to encourage people who are about to give up on their life. When they realize how much she is suffering also, they gain courage and strength to keep trying to get well.”
Farmer shrugs off the praise. “After something so devastating has affected my family’s life, I couldn’t help but help others,” she says. “I was sick for years before it was figured out, and that’s not uncommon at all. It happens to people all the time, and their lives are as devastated as mine was. Or worse. I had family to support me, but I know a lot of people who don’t.
“When you go through something like this, you narrow down what is important in your life. People are important, and that’s what makes life go around. Making them feel better, even for just a moment.”
For information or to volunteer for Kansas Lyme Fighters, see
Originally published at:

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New Blood Test Available- Great News

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New Borrelia Culture Test - Faster & More Accurate

September 5, 2011 Joe Burrascano, Jr., MD has announced a new lab test available for Lyme doctors to use in determining if Lyme is present. There is no need to wait for antibodies to form since this is a culture-based test. This should provide much faster and more accurate detection, and allow Lyme patients to receive treatment as soon as possible. Please read below for Dr. Burrascano's description of the new test: In my work as a consultant, I have been working with a private lab located near Philadelphia, Advanced Laboratories, Inc. They wanted to develop a unique and high value test, and, with my interest in Lyme, I naturally encouraged them to work on a better Lyme Disease test.
As a result of some very intensive work on the part of a group of some very brilliant scientists, they have succeeded in developing a reliable and rapid blood culture for Borrelia! See the attached press release.
They actually have rolled out two separate panels- a basic one and an advanced one. In the basic panel, the blood sample is cultured and the positives are identified by histology and growth characteristics, and confirmed by fluorescent immunostaining. Positive reports will include a picture of the Bb growing in that very culture. The advanced panel will do this, but will also do PCR using well characterized and published DNA primer sets, and then all positive PCRs will be confirmed by DNA sequencing.
Remarkably, turn-around time can be as brief as ten days for the basic test, and seven to ten more days for the advanced panel.
This test is being rolled out gradually, with no big public announcements yet. That is why I am e-mailing you, so you can be among the first to be able to order this testing, before the lab gets swamped. Apparently you have to contact the lab to have test kits sent to you. The blood must be sent out the same day it is collected, and the lab provides a prepaid return FedEx mailer. As the lab is not yet accepting specimens over weekends, please do not collect blood on Fridays.
The bad news- New York being New York, this culture will not be available to NY State practitioners for several months. The States of California and Florida may have a delayed availability- I am not sure, so please contact the lab to get this info. However, all other states are OK.
I have no idea on pricing or on insurance issues- again, you will have to contact them for this info. The lab plans to have a booth at the conferences at LDA and at ILADS, so hopefully their presence will allow all to field questions.
The next step in their research is also equally exciting and ground breaking, but I am not at liberty to say yet what is being planned.
I will be travelling over the rest of this week, so I am afraid that I may not be able to answer any calls or e-mails until I get back, so if I do not respond to any contact efforts, please be patient.
As many of you recall, I learned the basics of true, clinical Lyme over 25 years ago thanks to Bb culturing that was available to me by Dr. Alan MacDonald. The new methods being used by this Pennsylvania lab go far beyond what MacDonald was able to do, so I am very excited to not only share this news with you, but I also cannot wait to see how it will change how we practice.
I also predict that Bb will be found in a lot of people, from mildly to severely ill, and that will redefine the role of the immunologist in Lyme to find out why some people recover and why others do not. Strain info as provided by the DNA sequencing data will be equally fascinating to follow.
So, enjoy the good news, and PLEASE, if you are going to begin culturing your patients, keep good records of your results. Data collection and tabulation has never been as important as it is now, with a quantum advance in testing technology.
Best wishes, from Dr. B................................!
To read the press release with contact information, Click here
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About Me

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Pueblo, Colorado, United States
I am a Chronic Lyme disease patient. I was bitten by a tick in 2001 and have been very sick ever since. Subsequently, you could say I am a Lyme disease junkie.I thirst for any information about it,any treatments, research etc. It has been a life altering experience, which has kept me away from our business and at home most of the time. I use to own A-1 Barricade and Sign Inc. here in Pueblo, Co, but because of the Lyme disease, my sons are running the business for the most part with my wife. I have been married for 48 years to a wonderful woman who is also my best friend. We have five children, all grown. Four boys live here in Pueblo and my only daughter lives in Bonney Lake, Washington. We miss her a lot. I have 7 grandchildren, which are the greatest of all. They are all exceptionally beautiful! The last thing you need to know about me is that I am proud to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Because of this I have the knowledge that life is eternal and that it does not end here, but it will go on after death because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. This truth I bear witness of!