Saturday, January 26, 2008

For those of you Looking for the A-1 Website

Hi friends,
I thought I better leave you a note with a link to my other business's website. Some of you may have been directed here by another Google reference and I want to make sure you find what you are looking for. The URL for the A-1 Barricade and Sign Inc. website:
We are in the business of providing work site traffic control throughout the state of Colorado for over 30 years now. We offer a complete line of barricades, traffic cones, construction signs, variable message signs, and arrow panels. We also install erosion and storm water control products. As part of our traffic control operation, we manufacture all types of construction signs and install them according to specifications. So we can sell you the signs and/or install them for you too, if you wish. Our employees are certified as Work Site Traffic Control Supervisors by the American Traffic Safety Services Assn.(ATSSA)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

How to Rank High on Google?

How to Rank High on Google

To rank high on Google, your website has to be measured by “500 million variables and 2 billion terms” of Google’s equation, as stated on Google’s Corporate Information Technology Overview page.  Google’s ranking system is based on a democracy, and the citizens are the links on the worldwide web that vote for each other.  Not unlike our government today, many of these “links” are paid for, and some are of greater value.  Ranking high on Google is playing politics.  Links and Keywords are the key players in the ranking game.  Google also takes into consideration the full content of the page including HTML codes, fonts, subdivisions and the “precise location of each word.”

Links are votes.  You must develop a link strategy.  Google likes linking things together. Create a rich network of links with distinct quality content.  Your website must have quality links going out and coming in.  Quality is the key word.  Links from reputable pages (which ironically includes .gov pages) are given more weight than links on “link farm” pages.  Linking to a “link farm” is one of the worst things you can do and can potentially get your deported off the web.  The better the links, the better your ranking.  Google will factor in your page content and the content of the pages you link to. Do your research.  Google has a free page rank tool on their toolbar.  Use it to find out the page ranking and visit the site.

Google also gives more weight to one-way links that lead to your site, and less weight to reciprocal links.  How do you get these?  Buy them.  List yourself in a reputable directory listing.  Make sure you are listed in the Open Directory Project (  If you can’t buy links, write good content.  Give someone a reason to link to your site.  Again, the keyword is Quality.  Submitting articles and press releases are also strategies in the linking game.

Keywords are your platform.  They are what you stand for.  Words count.  Graphics don’t.  Make sure your words are not in graphic form and make sure you have relevant titles under your graphics.  Start with your title tag.  Put everything you stand for in ten words or less.  Make your URLs short and keyword specific.  Brand yourself.  If you type in soda, Mountain Dew will not show up on the first page.  If you type in Mountain Dew, it will be on the first page.  Brand yourself so users know what they are searching for.  Do not put the same words in every heading and every tag.  Be descriptive.  Sell yourself.  There are multitudes of free keyword rank and suggestion tools.  Use them as a supplement to your knowledge of your company.

Think of every element in your website as words and pages in a presentation that is going to be up for a vote.  Does everything fit?  Is it all related?  Are you a reputable company with a quality product?  Does it sell?  Now sell it.  Google is waiting for you.

This article is sponsored by

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Lyme disease and fatigue.

From my friends at Lyme Disease Research Database:

Do you get enough sleep? Or are you like so many people, getting by on just a few hours of shut-eye and rushing to begin your daily activities directly after the alarm goes off. In a sleep-deprived culture, surrounded by colleagues and friends who are running on coffee and bagels, it can be hard to tell when your level of fatigue is simply status quo, or if it's crossed the line to become a genuine symptom of Lyme. The garden-variety droop that comes with a busy life and a few nights of deprivation is generally a temporary problem. You can catch up and revitalize your adrenal glands with a couple of deep-sleep nights and a daytime nap or two.

On the other hand, bone-crushing fatigue, the kind that is symptomatic of Lyme, is hard to ignore. Your activities are limited because you just don't have the energy. You go to work, come home, fall asleep on the couch while waiting for dinner to cook itself. You go to bed early and try to sleep in till the last minute, but you don't wake up refreshed. You can't catch up. In fact, even after a good night's rest it can feel as if you hadn't slept a wink. You can't wash your face or tie your shoes without sitting down. In many cases, you may not even be able to hang on to your job, unless you're lucky enough to work from home.

Since that sort of fatigue is associated with a number of illnesses, including chronic fatigue syndrome or CFIDs, fibromyalgia, mononucleosis, and Lyme disease, medical testing is imperative to help you and your doctor ascertain why you are so tired. The tricky nature of the Lyme bug can make it difficult to eliminate Lyme as a possibility, even if you test negative. Your best bet is to find a doctor who is experienced in detecting Lyme, so that your overwhelming fatigue doesn't get ignored and written off as simple exhaustion.
Tags: sleep and lyme disease

Great new film coming about Lyme disease.

Hi everyone,
I recived this e-mail from today and I just had to pass it on to you.
I want you all to click on this link below and watch the trailer of this upcoming film about Lyme Disease. It is going to be one of the finest productions about Lyme disease ever made.

Best thoughts,
Rick B.

From Kris Kraft, Open Eye Pictures:

We're very excited to announce that a 30-minute sample of our Lyme
documentary, UNDER OUR SKIN, has put us in the running for the
prestigious IFP Award for Socially Conscious Documentaries. In
addition, we were awarded a screening slot at IFP Market, which will
place the rough cut of our film in front of high-level broadcasters and distributors in September.

Interest in the film has been high, with packed fundraising screenings
in five cities; a pitch meeting with HBO; and interviews with national
publications such as The Washington Post, The Scientist, and Forbes
(well, we tried). And with President Bush's announcement that he's been treated for Lyme, and Michael Moore's SICKO film making health care an election issue, we feel the time is right for this film.

We're now in the homestretch for completing our rough cut for Sundance
Festival submission, and we'd like to call on the Lyme disease community to help us out in this final sprint. Even if you're not able to financially assist us, please help us spread the word among your friends, family, and influencers, so we can create a groundswell of excitement for our upcoming screenings. (We've placed our 5-minute film trailer back on our main website, so that you can easily forward it via email.)

And thanks again for all your support and stories!!
Open Eye Pictures

Kris Kraft

Email Promos Exposed

Michael Rasmussen's "Email Promos Exposed" Video Series: How to Write Killer Email Promos That Get Results!

Hi friends,
Have you ever been faced with the task of having
to write an email promotion to your list, and
then realized that you didn't know what to say or
how to say it?

Michael Rasmussen's new video course "Email
Promos Exposed" promises to solve that problem
for you by walking you through the actual process
of creating killer email promos step-by-step.

If you're in a hurry, just go ahead visit this
URL to get instant free access to these videos:

I decided to see if Michael's videos live up to
their promise by trying them out myself. Here's
what I found:

Overall Quality

The first thing I noticed when I opened up the
first video was the stunning production quality.
He used Camtasia Studio for the production, which
is now the industry standard for creating
high-quality screen capture video products. The
audio is near studio quality, and the graphics
are very professional. These videos were made by
someone who KNOWS what he's doing. Well done!

I also liked how Michael divided the videos up by
section, and then again by sub-section. For
example, one video is all about the subject line,
and then there are different parts of that video
that each cover a certain area of crafting a
killer subject line.

Now let's move onto...


Here's a brief summary of each video. Obviously
it's impossible to list every single thing here,
but I want you to get a feel for what each one
covered, and how well it covered it.

If you're in a hurry, just go ahead visit this
URL to get instant free access to these videos:


This video served as an introduction to the whole
course. You get to see a picture of Michael in
his every day life, and he establishes his
credibility right up front by talking about some
of his massive successes online. He even provides
proof of credibility by displaying two checks in
the amount of $50,000 and $25,000 which prove
that, when it comes to the subject of making
money with email promos, he knows his stuff.

This is a good lesson for anyone to get. Whenever
you're teaching people how to do something, it's
good to establish your credibility up front, so
that there's no doubt about whether or not you're
qualified to talk about the subject. Most product
developers either skip or minimize this step.


This video talks about some things that no other
marketer has bothered to mention. You'll learn
things like:

* The mindset you need in order to write a killer

* The different tools you need before you get

* How to keep your emails laser-focused

* How to create an outline that practically
writes the email for you.

This was a fantastic video, and did a good job of
kicking things off.


I liked this video, because it talked about one
of MY biggest weaknesses when it comes to writing
email promos... the subject line. The subject
line is a confusing topic, because nobody's 100%
sure what the best tactics are.

Michael breaks it down, and reveals:

* The biggest secret for writing a subject line
that makes people insanely curious.

* Techniques for personalizing the subject line.

* Mistakes to avoid when using personalization.

I was surprised to find that I was making some of
the mistakes that Michael mentioned in this
video, but now I know better.


This is where a lot of people slack off when
writing their emails. Michael talks about how
important it is to create an opening that is
conversational, and then reveals techniques and
examples on how to do that.

He also reveals:

* How to get people to keep reading your email
once they've opened it.

* How to make your opening interesting.

* Mistakes to avoid when creating your first few


This is one of the "meatiest" portions of the
course, because it reveals techniques that are
not widely discussed on the forums, blogs, and in
most eBooks. He talks about the importance of
keeping your body copy tight and relevant, and
then reveals how you can do that. You'll also

* How to write powerful bullets that make people
curious and want to find out more.

* Simple formatting tricks for making your body
copy easy to read.

* The secret of "bucket brigade copy" and how to
use it in your email promos to force people to
keep reading.


This is where a lot of people wimp out in their
email promos. They start out strong, but when it
comes time to ask the reader to click the link
and take action, they don't know what to say.
Michael talks about some of his favorite
techniques for making that happen, and also

* The "magic question" to ask yourself that will
make your close much more powerful.

* The secret of the "unanswered question" and why
handling this is a surefire way to get people to
act right away.

* The structure of a powerful close.

* Mistakes people make when creating their close.


Some people say that the P.S. is one of the most
important parts of the email, because it is often
the one thing that gets people to click the link
at the end. In this video, Michael talks about:

* Why you should including a P.S. at the end of
your email.

* The 4 different kinds of P.S.'s you can use
(this section was a real eye-opener for me).


I loved this video, because it showed me some
mistakes that I was making that I wasn't even
aware of. Unless you're a seasoned pro, you're
probably guilty of some of the things that
Michael talks about in this video as well, and
that's why it's so valuable. I've shaved years
off my learning curve, because now I can avoid
some of the costly mistakes that I was bound to
make in the learning process.


This video alone is going to make me a lot of
money. Why? Because I used to only send out one
email promo for each affiliate promotion I was
doing. Michael showed me in this video how
important it is to send a follow-up promotion,
and he showed me exactly how to do it. He covered
things like:

* The psychology of follow-up email promo's.

* The 2 main types of follow-up promos that make
the most money.

* How to overcome readers' objections in your
follow up emails.

* The 2 most common mistakes people make when
writing follow-ups and how to avoid them.


Every marketing guru out there says that the REAL
money is on the back end. I'd have to agree with
them, but the problem is... most people have no
idea how to set up a back end system that makes
money. This video will teach you how to set up an
automated back end that's loaded with killer
promos that make you lots of cash on autopilot.
He reveals things like:

* The big difference between regular and back end
email promos.

* How to prepare a back end promotion sequence.

* Common mistakes people make when creating back
end email promos.


This could be the most important video of the
entire package for a lot of people, because most
people email their list to promote other people's
products as an affiliate. Let's face it, if you
only have 3 products, can you really afford to
only email your list 3 times a year? They'll get
bored hearing about the same old products over
and over again. This video sheds some light on
how to create killer affiliate promos. Michael
reveals things like:

* The two main types of affiliate promos.

* What makes affiliate promos different than
regular promos (and why ignoring this huge secret
could cost you big money).

* Michael's favorite tactics for creating
affiliate promos that no one else is doing.

* 3 different ways to add scarcity to your
affiliate promos (this is the most important
section of the video, so make sure you watch it
over and over again).


As you can see, Email Promos Exposed really packs
a lot of punch! Most of the courses out there
offer only watered down, weak content. Not this
one! These videos are going on my "A-list" for a
long time.

I've already watched them twice, and plan on
reviewing them every couple months to make sure
that I have the principals, techniques and
tactics burned into my mind.

If email marketing is an important part of your
business (and in my opinion, it's the most
important part of ANY online business), then you
owe it to yourself to check out Michael's
exciting new videos, Email Promos Exposed.

Here's the URL where you can get instant free access
to the videos right now.


Sunday, January 13, 2008

How Lyme Disease Has Affected One Family

From January 13,2008
Wrestling to beat Lyme disease
By Mark Nesbitt/Sauk Prairie Eagle
SAUK PRAIRIE AREA - Grand Avenue Elementary School fifth-grader Eddie Smith was overwhelmed by a groundswell of fund-raising support in his fight against Lyme disease at the Eagle wrestling Invitational tournament Jan. 5.

"When everyone wears a shirt with your name on it, I feel kind of scared," said Eddie, who is 10 years old and was diagnosed with the disease in 2003. "It makes you feel happy at the same time."

Eddie has battled Lyme disease with the support of his family for almost five years and the family has turned to a combination of alternative treatments in its mission to eradicate the disease.

"We feel a responsibility to be advocates to get people to look a little deeper for a solution and to help others with similar issues," said Eddie's father, Scott who also is the Sauk Prairie wrestling coach.

During the Jan. 5 event, the Sauk Prairie wrestling club hosted a fund-raiser for Eddie. Proceeds from the 50/50 raffle, bake sale and donation box will be donated to the family to help pay for the ongoing medical costs for Eddie's treatment.

Scott and his wife, Miki first noticed a problem with Eddie while on a camping trip in Sheboygan when he was 5 years old. Eddie developed a bulls-eye rash characteristic of Lyme disease. He was diagnosed with Lyme disease at Divine Savior in Portage and given two weeks worth of antibiotics.

"I just thought it was a sickness and it would go away like most sicknesses do," Eddie said.

Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium borrelia burgdorferi and is transmitted to humans by the bite of infected black-legged or deer ticks. If left untreated, infection can spread to joints, the heart and the nervous system.

A year-and-a-half after the diagnosis, Miki said she noticed that Eddie was battling joint pain and twitching. On the weekend of the youth wrestling tournament in 2006, Eddie's temperature spiked to 104 degrees and he gutted out the tournament.

"I still wrestled, but it hurt really bad," Eddie said. "I didn't do as well as I could have."

The Lyme symptoms were dormant for six months when Eddie was prescribed long-term antibiotics, but the striking abdomen pain returned.

"It's like someone is punching me," Eddie said. "It goes away for five seconds and comes back."

The Smiths have chosen to use a combination of special treatments to fight the disease, including acupuncture and electromagnetic therapy.

Acupuncture is a technique of inserting and manipulating filiform needles into "acupuncture points" on the body with the aim of restoring health, treating pain and diseases, according to

Electromagnetic therapy is a form of alternative medicine aimed at treating disease by applying electromagnetic energy to the body.

Scott said health officials continue to debate the effectiveness of some alternative treatments Eddie is undergoing, but said the family would do whatever it could to help his son get through the effects of the disease.

"We have learned that you can take antibiotics and the Lyme can hide out in the body and go into cyst form," Scott said. "There is a lot of disagreement out there. I think a lot of doctors will be upset with what we are doing. We are just doing what is best for Eddie

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Private Label Club-Join Now!

Hey Friends,

I just found a cool new service that I wanted
to tell you about. They are literally doing
all my hard work for me!

Here's the link:

Go check it out right now because I don't know
how long Jason plans to leave it up. It's not
going to cost you a dime :-)

I'd hate to see you miss out on this, it will
really save you a ton of time.


Your friend,
Richard Bowman

About Me

My photo
Pueblo, Colorado, United States
I am a Chronic Lyme disease patient. I was bitten by a tick in 2001 and have been very sick ever since. Subsequently, you could say I am a Lyme disease junkie.I thirst for any information about it,any treatments, research etc. It has been a life altering experience, which has kept me away from our business and at home most of the time. I use to own A-1 Barricade and Sign Inc. here in Pueblo, Co, but because of the Lyme disease, my sons are running the business for the most part with my wife. I have been married for 48 years to a wonderful woman who is also my best friend. We have five children, all grown. Four boys live here in Pueblo and my only daughter lives in Bonney Lake, Washington. We miss her a lot. I have 7 grandchildren, which are the greatest of all. They are all exceptionally beautiful! The last thing you need to know about me is that I am proud to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Because of this I have the knowledge that life is eternal and that it does not end here, but it will go on after death because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. This truth I bear witness of!