Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Tick Slayer- Great New Book

  Hi everyone,
I am posting a copy of an email I received so that you can take advantage of this great book. It is a must read for all of us who suffer from Lyme disease. Links are not live, to purchase go to www.lymebooks.com.
Be well,

 US Track & Field Athlete
Reveals Successful Lyme Battle

tick-slayer-small 2THE TICK SLAYER 
Battling Lyme Disease and Winning  
By Perry Louis Fields
US Track & Field Athlete
Paperback, $24.95 • 349 Pages 

Learn More About the Book
Perry Louis Fields is not only a Lyme disease survivor, she is also a US Track & Field top athlete and Olympic hopeful. In this riveting new book , she tells you all about how she beat Lyme disease!

But that's not all. Perry's writing style and vast experience within the Lyme disease medical world makes this book a must-read. The tenacity that makes her a successful athlete is what she credits her recovery to, and that tenacity shines through in her new book. Not only will you read about her personal experience with Lyme disease, you'll also hear all about the treatments she used to get better, including her treatment failures, and you'll find useful, specific references on exactly how to find and purchase her  favorite fields_smalltreatments. Some of the treatments and topics she covers in her book include:
  • A comparison of dozens of conventional and alternative treatment options.
  • Various electro-medicine devices and approaches, including ONDAMED, Multi-Wave Oscilator (MWO), QXCI machine, thermal imaging devices, live blood analysis, accupuncture, and many more.
  • Numerous alternative healing approaches such as "Tsi-Ahga," IV Vitamin C, metabolic enzymes, BioMat, nascent iodine, Beta 1,3 Glucans, and more.
  • Parasite cleansing.
  • Probiotic enemas.
  • Special energy-boosting supplements.
  • Blood sugar support.
  • Adrenal support.
  • Liver support.
  • Healing the gut after chronic infection.
  • Dental issues and Perry's extended battle with dental infections.
  • Perry's experiences with numerous health care practitioners of various types, including which ones helped her, and what modalities they used.
  • Perry's return to athletics after her extended battle with Lyme disease.
  • Many more topics - too many to list here! ( learn more)
Perry Louis Fields was bitten by an infected tick in the mountains of North Carolina in 2003. Although she has been a long-time track and field athlete, competing at the highest levels in high school, collegiate and post-collegiate events, the disease completely took her out.
In 2005, she was forced to stop competing and training and seek medical help soon after the 2005 USA Track and Field championships, where she fell very ill during her competition. Within a few months, her health continued to decline.  After a short course of conventional antibiotic treatment, not seeing improvement and worried that her health would continue to decline, she began researching and treating herself with alternative therapies.  The process of successfully experimenting on herself, trusting her own instincts and forging forward, was the catalyst for her book, The Tick Slayer.
Because of her success in recovering from Lyme disease, as well as Chronic Fatigue and Epstein Bar Virus (health problems that began in college), and the co-infections which resulted from tick bite(s), Perry has gained wisdom and experience which guides the writing in her new book. The Tick Slayer is a book for anyone who finds themself devastated by chronic illness and the associated health care challenges.
By 2009, Perry was training again and by 2010 she raced her first indoor track season since 2001, where she made her debut at the USA Track and Field Indoor Nationals.  She continues to train in Colorado Springs and is preparing for the 2012 Olympic Trials in the sprints. We have more extensive information about this book available on our website.
Paperback Book • 349 Pages • $24.95 •  

Learn More

In Other News...
Help your fellow Lyme patients!
We are editing a new book which is a compilation of the treatments that have helped Lyme sufferers the most. If you have had success with your treatments and want to share your experiences with others, please submit an essay to be considered for inclusion in our new book. Essay writers will even be entered to win cash prizes! Learn more.
In case you missed it...
The following list includes Lymebook.com's recently released books and DVDs ... just in case you missed them!
Released in 2012
Released in 2011
Defeat Cancer (book or eBook) 
Released in 2010
The Lyme Diet (book)
Ending Denial (book)
Released in 2009
The Rife Handbook [Updated Edition] (book)
Cure Unknown (book)
Evan's Gate (DVD)
Released in 2008
The Lyme Disease Solution (book)
The Lyme Disease Survival Guide (book)

And many more... the above list represent s less than half of our catalog. To view everything, visit www.lymebook.com.

Stay Connected!

New Lyme disease information becomes available almost daily. We don't want you to miss anything! We send email newsletters to you only 2-4 times per year. However, we are continuously publishing new, exclusive information on our blog and FaceBook page. If you don't want to miss anything, "like" us on FaceBook and sign up for email notifications of new blog posts, today!  Also, don't miss our Newsletter Archives, where you can get important information from past email newsletters just like the one you are reading right now.
DISCLAIMER:  Lymebook.com newsletters, products, and websites exist as informational and educational resources only.  We do not provide medical advice nor do we offer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, or cures for any diseases or medical conditions.  See a licensed physician for medical advice—do not consult Lymebook.com. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Bryan Rosner is a journalist, not a medical professional or physician..

Sunday, April 15, 2012

One Minute Commissions- A Winner

 Hi everyone,

        Ever so often you finally find a product that is guaranteed to work. This product is it.


Saturday, April 14, 2012

What did you think of Dr. Phil's Lyme Disease Program

Hi again everyone,

          I watched the Dr. Phil Program yesterday and was very pleased about the whole program. Certainly, the viewers got a good look at what Lyme disease can do to you. I felt so sorry for the ex-model. She has been living in misery. I was so glad to here that the same physician who is treating his producer with Lyme Disease will treat this young women now, pro bono. If anyone ever needed help, this poor girl does. I still bristle at accounts of doctors telling Lyme patients that the disease is all in their head and that they are doing it for some kind of attention. Any doctor guilty of that shameful behavior should lose their ability to care for anyone. There are a number of doctors who have kept their head in the sand when it comes to this insidious disease. Hopefully, shows like this one will begin to put pressure on these ignorant and arrogant physicians,who believe they know it all. I had one doctor try to say that to me a few years ago and I damn here hit him in the mouth. I did order him out of the examining room and the head doctor soon, took his place. If any of you have had experienceof doctors telling you it is in your head, please let me know. We would love to hear about it. Getting the word out on these type of doctors is important. Kidos to Dr Phil. for giving the discussion of Lyme disease a very important forum! Comment in how you felt how watching the program.

Be well,

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dr Phil 's Show Friday April 13th- Tune in

Hi everyone,

NEWS: Dr. Phil’s chronic Lyme show to air April 13

4th April 2012

dr phil photo

A segment on chronic Lyme is included in a program called "Deadly Consequences."
The Dr. Phil Show will look at the issue of chronic Lyme disease in a program scheduled to air on April 13.
Among the guests are Lyme survivor/TV weathercaster Brooke Landau, two additional Lyme patients, Lyme-literate doctor Chitra Bhakti, MD, and the IDSA’s Dr. Paul Auwaerter.
Here is the listing as posted on the Dr. Phil website:

Friday – April 13, 2012

Deadly Consequences

Dr. Phil’s guests say they’re dealing with serious illnesses that could have deadly outcomes. First, Annette says as a mother, she wants the right to euthanize her severely-disabled children, 42-year-old Jeffrey and 43-year-old Janet, who have been institutionalized for more than three decades with the rare genetic disorder, Sanfilippo Syndrome. Her only legal option is to remove their feeding tubes, which she says would lead to a painful and inhumane death. What would you do? Hear from acclaimed trial attorney Geoffrey Fieger on why he thinks the laws against euthanasia should be changed. Then, former model Stephanie Vostry, 25, says that she suffers from constant pain and seizures caused by what some doctors believe to be chronic Lyme disease, and others wonder if she’s faking. With natural medicine providing minimal relief, hear how she says she’s turned to self-medicating to dull her pain. Plus, chronic Lyme disease hits close to home for a Dr. Phil staff member and a San Diego weathercaster.

About Me

My photo
Pueblo, Colorado, United States
I am a Chronic Lyme disease patient. I was bitten by a tick in 2001 and have been very sick ever since. Subsequently, you could say I am a Lyme disease junkie.I thirst for any information about it,any treatments, research etc. It has been a life altering experience, which has kept me away from our business and at home most of the time. I use to own A-1 Barricade and Sign Inc. here in Pueblo, Co, but because of the Lyme disease, my sons are running the business for the most part with my wife. I have been married for 48 years to a wonderful woman who is also my best friend. We have five children, all grown. Four boys live here in Pueblo and my only daughter lives in Bonney Lake, Washington. We miss her a lot. I have 7 grandchildren, which are the greatest of all. They are all exceptionally beautiful! The last thing you need to know about me is that I am proud to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Because of this I have the knowledge that life is eternal and that it does not end here, but it will go on after death because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. This truth I bear witness of!