Tuesday, December 29, 2009


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Lyme and the use of Steroids

Hello everyone,

The past month I have somehow injured my left knee and had to see a doctor about surgery. Subsequently,, he gave me an injection of cortisone etc. to help relieve the pain until I can get in for surgery. However, as he was giving me the shot, I was remembering an article by Br. Burrascano, a well known Lyme literate doctor. The article had stated that steroids were absolutely not advised for Lyme patients. I didn't say anything, hoping the article was untrue. Sure enough, I have been miserable ever since the day of the shot. I have been achy all over, the fatigue is back and I feel terrible. Has anyone else had the same reaction to steroid shots for their back or their knees? Have you had to refuse these types of shots for pain control? I would be very interested for comments on any experience you might have with steroids? At this point, I would highly recommend that you not use steroids at all cost. I will keep you posted as to their continued effect on me.

I hope all of you had a very Merry Christmas and will have a great New Year. Thank you for visiting my blog!

Be well,

Sunday, December 20, 2009

"Under the Eightball"

Hi friends,
I found an article in the New York Times that I think all of you will find interesting. It concerns a new documentary movie. I hadn't heard about it prior to this article. I hope some of you will watch this movie and comment back to us so we can learn about it.

Be well,
Begin quote
December 16, 2009
On the Nightmare Trail of Lyme Disease

Defensible anger becomes indefensible incoherence in “Under the Eightball,” a heartfelt documentary that twists an emotional journey into an anti-establishment tirade.

Written and directed by Timothy Grey and Breanne Russell, the film chronicles their 18-month investigation into the diagnosis and treatment of Mr. Grey’s younger sister, Lori Hall-Steele, who died of Lyme disease in Michigan in 2008. As the filmmakers track the history and politics of the disease, test for environmental causes and watch over the patient’s decline, the first half of the film envelops us in a tender, visually compelling cocoon.

Then things fall apart, so fast and so furiously that it’s impossible to know where verifiable science leaves off, and conspiracy theory begins. Propelled by rage and a string of interviews — with doctors, scientists, authors — the film lurches from Project Paperclip (which welcomed German scientists, including bio-warfare specialists, to the United States after World War II) to the Plum Island Animal Disease Center, from contaminated wells to Japanese germ-warfare experiments.

Taking aim against multiple villains — including Dow Chemical and the health and pharmaceutical industries — and appearing to parallel Ms. Steele’s lack of appropriate treatment with the government’s notorious Tuskegee experiments with black men and syphilis, the directors skid off the rails so extravagantly that there is no going back.

Unfolding like two very different films, “Under the Eightball” undergoes a midpoint conversion from fascinating bug hunt to nightmarish lecture. In the end, critical questions may remain unanswered, but Mr. Grey’s grief and frustration are incontestable.


Opens on Wednesday in Manhattan.

Written, directed and edited by Timothy Grey and Breanne Russell; directors of photography, Mr. Grey and D C Hayden; music by Mr. Grey and Gabe Clark; produced by Justin Blake; released by Andalusian Dogs. At the IFC Center, 323 Avenue of the Americas, at Third Street, Greenwich Village. Running time: 2 hours. This film is not rated.
End Quote

About Me

My photo
Pueblo, Colorado, United States
I am a Chronic Lyme disease patient. I was bitten by a tick in 2001 and have been very sick ever since. Subsequently, you could say I am a Lyme disease junkie.I thirst for any information about it,any treatments, research etc. It has been a life altering experience, which has kept me away from our business and at home most of the time. I use to own A-1 Barricade and Sign Inc. here in Pueblo, Co, but because of the Lyme disease, my sons are running the business for the most part with my wife. I have been married for 48 years to a wonderful woman who is also my best friend. We have five children, all grown. Four boys live here in Pueblo and my only daughter lives in Bonney Lake, Washington. We miss her a lot. I have 7 grandchildren, which are the greatest of all. They are all exceptionally beautiful! The last thing you need to know about me is that I am proud to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Because of this I have the knowledge that life is eternal and that it does not end here, but it will go on after death because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. This truth I bear witness of!